
Thank you - I like the idea of liminality, which was also mentioned in another comment. I will remember to use it when referring to this topic again.

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This is really helpful - thank you. I particularly like the idea that this enables people to be more instinctive and self-aware.

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Very nice piece. The neutral zone made me think of the word “liminal”- standing on the threshold between two rooms, and “liminality”- the disorientation felt at such a juncture.

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Jun 17·edited Jun 17

Yes! I love the idea of the neutral zone and have recognised this both in myself and in my clients. I often think of it, and encourage others to think of it, as a kind of liminal zone, betwixt one reality and another. I invite people to think about how their senses are enhanced by not having to deal with the day-to-day of their old reality and how they will use this opportunity for example to be more instinctive and tuned into themselves. It can be a time of awakening and promise.

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